Sunday, September 21, 2008

dead woman walking

I was walking into a store yesterday and since it was a perfect sunny day, I had my sun glasses on.

Two young boys were coming out, followed by the mother tugging a younger third tyke.

The middle-aged boy, I would say he was somewhere between 4 and 6 years of age, points at me and yells, "Look mommy, a dead lady!" Mom, tried very hard to to act like she wasn't listening to the little waste of egg and starts fussing with the one she's dragging along like it was a security blanket.

Well, noticing that she hadn't responded and hence assuming she didn't hear him, proceeds to yell much louder, again with his finger pointing straight at me, "LOOK MOMMY, A DEAD LADY!"

I need botox ...
and some serious plastic surgery.


Maddy May said...

You look damn marvelous for a dead woman. I can only hope to look the same one day.

My kids used to walk around yelling about how HUGE and FAT people were.The little buggars learn to talk and you never know whats gonna come out of their mouths.

jockamo said...

dead lady? that kid was obviously retarded. mother, too, since she didn't smack the kid or tell him how rude he was...or both.

i agree with sher. we should all look so good. at least your not losing your hair.

jockamo said...

*you're. good grief.