Tuesday, June 10, 2008

flu tag and I'm it

If this doesn't suck! I woke around 11:45 last night with that horrible acid stomach and I knew whatever was in there, was not going to stay in there very long. Sure enough. I got to the bathroom and up came the acidy water followed by a rush to get turned around to flush out the other end. God, I hate being sick.

At 8am the malemate called and made an appointment with the doc. They got me in at 9:15. He gave me a shot to stop the nausea and make me drowsy. Off we went to get the diarrhea script filled.

The malemate felt really good this morning when he woke He was even planning on going to the gym before he realized he needed to tend to me.

It looks like it may just be a 24 or 48 hour thing. I'm already feeling better after the injection, meds, ice chips, room temp 7-up and best of all hydrocodeine :) Of course I'm scared to eat anything, but hey, that might be a good thing too.
As of this moment, the trip is still on unless my dad doesn't want to take the chance of catching this crud. Then, we'll just have to do it another time. I'm confident that things will be moving along as planned for tomorrow morning.


jockamo said...

well, it's friday, and I don't see an entry after the tuesday horror story, so I'm going to assume you are on your way.

hope you're better and that you and dad have a great time.

Michelle said...

Shute! I was so hoping you wouldn't get that junk. It is the 13th and I am just getting here reading your blog. I hope you went on your trip and felt well! Have a blast if you did!

I've been doing waaaaaay too many tests lately for the funding for college. Please, Please, Please say they don't need another test for anything and the next test I take will be tests for the MT course. We will see!

Big hugs for you and your Dad!Have a fun trip and enjoy your projects!!!
