Thursday, March 27, 2008


As I mentioned previously, my mom and I had differences. One of those differences being politics. She was a democrat and me ... not a democrat.

So, during the funeral arrangement days and between the bursts of tears, there were also jolts of humor. I said to the malemate, "Well, that will be one less democratic vote this election year." We chuckled.

The next morning the malemate and my two brothers took a li'l road trip to visit one of the relatives. They were gone for most of the day. When they got back the malemate pulled me aside and said, "Remember the comment about one less democratic vote?"
I nodded yes.
He said, "Well, you can cancel that because your younger brother jumped the fence since we last saw him!"



Anonymous said...

I ma so sorry dear.

Ya can't win em all. Some are gonna be democrat.

I think that is lovely about the last toast. I hope someone is there to toast my life. One more time.

jockamo said...

yea! your brother saw the error of his ways.

actually, the older I get, the more I realize I'm not a true dem. Maybe I'm a Republicrat. More likely, I'm some bizarre Independent.

ColleenQ said...


(I actually think we need new parties - I'm sick of the ones we have...)