Saturday, October 20, 2007

I know you want to chat me ... no?

It is Saturday. For some reason I was looking forward to this day. No reason in particular. Perhaps it had something to do with exchanging emails with Peg yesterday and finding out that she got herself a new computer which brings her back online. I have missed her so much these past few months. So, I phoned her this morning. It was 10:00am my time, 7:00am her time.
I was being courteous and let her sleep in on a Saturday morning.

Me: You are not online!?!?! You need to get your ass online so I can get the rundown on what has been going on the past few months.

Peg: Can't we do that now while we are on the phone?

Me: Well, yes, I guess we can, butButBUT, don't you want to use your new computer so we can chat?

Peg: Uh, no. I have to prep the living room so I can paint it today.

Me: So, you aren't really going to be focused on the conversation are you.

Peg: Probably not.

Me: Okay, I'll keep it short then. CLICK!

Then I went back to the computer and there was my friend Debbie in CA.
Happy is me.
Debbie was stuck doing floor time. And if you know anything about the real estate market in California you know that she had LOTS of time to chat with me, because the phones in the real estate offices are not ringing these days.
Needless to say, I had her attention most of the afternoon...whether she wanted it or not.
Poor Debbie.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am positive you are a good chat friend. You always make me smile and are very witty.

We went to Tennessee today. It was a nice day. I put a few pictures up of butterflies from the butterfly garden we visited. We stopped by Candyland and scooped candy like crazy and then we both had big eyes when we realized we had spent $33.00. Oh well, it's delicious. hehehe
