Thursday, October 4, 2007

dance dance dance huh?

The Argentine tango lessons have continued.
That has GOT to be the hardest dance the malemate and I have tried to learn.

However, after everyone left last night, and it was just the instructors, the malemate and me, the instructors asked us if we still did swing.

I responded with: "yeh ... kinda"

and simultaneously the malemate responded with: "oh yeh! we do the west coast swing"

All i could think was Ohhhhhh shit! What is he getting us into?

The instructors asked if we would be willing to do a swing at the Chamber's mixer next month.
The malemate said, "Sure"


I think the Friday dance date is going to last a little longer than usual this week and the next and the next ...

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It sounds like you are going to be dancing many nights away.

Thank you very much for the crochet pattern. I definitely will be making it for gifts. I appreciate you telling me about using cotton thread. Since I am a newbie, I may have used the other and how embarrassing would that be, to give gifts that melt later! :S

And yes, it would be nice to have only one room dedicated to junk like my parents but I also have junk in most every room! I am trying to work on that by giving things away.

I've not had much luck lately at all on ebay. Have you? What happened to ebay? We used to be able to sell things on there.
