Wednesday, July 4, 2007

bang zoom crack pow kaboom sparkle

Here it is the 4th of July already.

I do love fireworks displays. When I was growing up in Iowa, fireworks were not allowed. However, we lived about 2 miles from the South Dakota state line and just on the other side of the bridge, one of those fireworks stands always popped up around mid June. Needless to say, it was the hotspot for the youngins that time of year.

When I lived in the desert out in Southern California, we were outlawed from shooting off fireworks. Hence, you would never see a fireworks stand. The droughts were persistent and in the 10 years I lived there, I think there were only 2 years that the city I lived in put on a display in one of the local parks.

Well, now that I live in the show-me-state of misery, fireworks are prevalent. About mid June the temporary tent firework stands starting emerging all over. One day there would be nothing on that vacant lot and then overnight one of those tents would be there. They pop up like mushrooms around here and it seems they are on almost every street corner.

I took a stroll through one of the larger ones the other day. WoWoW!

It's one of those times of year that I wish I was filthy rich so I could go blow a few thousand on fireworks displays. But, I settled for just a few (since I'm still not working), and hope that the neighbors all have jobs and lotsa bux to blow on the displays ... for my pleasure, of course.


Wiz's Wench said...

*checks her pocket* i have $5.37, two cherry lifesavers and a ball of lint that would choke a horse...whaddaya think we can get for that???

Anonymous said...

You bought them to stick up someone's arse, right?