Saturday, January 5, 2008

rugging me

I finally started a rug! I kept telling myself that I would get started on one when the weather turned cold -- because after all, wool is just too hot to work with in the summer.

Well, the cool weather started and it got colder and colder and I kept buying more and more wool coats, blankets, etc. at the thrift stores and storing it all away in bins in the garage, and still I did not start a rug.

So, here I am with a garage full of plastic bins which are full of wool and mothballs, thinking I should probably buy more bins because I am running out of space in the bins that I have to put my wool bargains, which I will be making rugs out of and absolutely no plan to actually start one.

The realization set in, once again, that simply put, I am addicted to a bargain - doesn't matter what it is -- if it's a good deal, I want it.

Oh, and before I forget, happy new year and happy blogging anniversary Jock. I thought about you on the 31st, but I was too busy bowling for bux to stop by your blog and acknowledge it.
Maybe I should go do that now.

1 comment:

jockamo said...

geez, nothing like reading something long after the fact. god, i should be put down.

thanks, bren for the happy anniversary words. back at ya, toots.

suddenly, i feel older than i admit to.