Wednesday, December 17, 2008

just when you think ...

... you've got your world by a string, the rug gets ripped out from under you.

i've been typing for a gal on the east coast for about six months now and although it doesn't pay very good line counts, the work has been unbelievably steady.

i got an email last week from her telling me that she has some 'bad news'. the docs are all getting laptops with the dragon naturally speaking (voice to text software) and they won't be needing us to type for them anymore after february.
manOman if the work isn't getting shipped overseas, it's going to the voice to text. ain't that a bitch. so once again, i'm scrambling to find some work.

merry christmas?
i'm thinking not so much.

1 comment:

ColleenQ said...

I'm not afraid of much, but our economy? The worst is yet to come...

I am going to mentally force some good luck your way - surely that'll count for something??