Tuesday, December 23, 2008

English only for the thieves

The malemate mentioned that a couple foreign exchange students from Spain were at the bowling alley yesterday. I've heard of exchange students from Sweden, China, France, etc., and we had one from Brazil when I was in school.
I don't think I've ever heard of exchange students from Mexico.

I guess they figure they don't need to exchange with the U.S.A since they can just come here illegally and rob from our education system. Too bad they aren't forced to learn English - perhaps they would not be so anxious to steal from the education system.

The best gift Bush could give the U.S.A., prior to departing next month,would be to open up the "English the National language" issue.

We all know his noodle spine won't allow for something that positive. Instead his legacy will be the "war on terror" which will never be won because there ALWAYS has been terror and there ALWAYS will be terror somewhere.

He really should have come up with a more 'winnable' name.

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