Friday, October 10, 2008

frame it up

The malemate managed to wash AND dry the cell phone on Sunday. Surprisingly, it actually had some life left after all that - that is until I saw that it needed charging. I plugged the phone in to get it charged.
That phone is no more.

So, that meant a trip to Joplin to get a replacement. I had a couple other stops to make anyway, so it was going to be a worthwhile. One of the stops was to deal with eye glasses. I've been wearing some form of corrective lens since I was 9. It's face jewelry as far as I am concerned and because of that I get what I want, not what I can afford necessarily.

They had changed their sign out front to read "SARAH PALIN GLASSES ARE HERE!" I walk in and the place is swarming with customers. Obviously, the new America's sweetheart has been good for the eyewear industry. I notice that one of my favorite clerks is wearing the Sarahcuda frames. They look darling on her.

But for me, I chose what I call the Aristotle Onassis look and I am good with that.


Maddy May said...

My God Woman your a sexpot! Love the lenses. You made a lovely choice.

Great to see you again as always.

ColleenQ said...

I'll second Sher's comment - the glasses suit you and add to your sexpot-ness!

You MUST be getting botox - you haven't aged since the ole' MSN Spaces days! Bitch.


Michelle said...

You look beautiful! I love your new glasses. You made a great choice; so stylish.

I also think your hair is gorgeous!

Big Hug,

jockamo said...

you DO look fabulous (big surprise) but dammit, why are all the really cool glasses made for women? grrrrrr.