Monday, October 13, 2008

books & buttons

Even tho I really enjoy the little mp3 player for listening to books when I walk, I also take pleasure in reading books. Bookmarks can sometimes be more hassle than they are worth in paperbacks. So, I always use a simple little paperclip. Well, in an effort to make the simple paperclip bookmark even handier, I 'customized' it so it's even more functional for my fingers.

Now, if you would like one of these just send me $1000 and I'll get one off to right away.
Or, you can just look at the pictures and make one yourself with a large paperclip, a loop back button and some super glue.

We have a Disabled Veteran's Thrift store nearby. Every Sunday they run what I call the quarter sale. Their dating system is by color code -- colored tags; orange, white, blue, yellow, green. Every Sunday they choose a color and anything with that color tag is a 25c or 5 for a $1. Needless to say, I generally walk away with a couple 33 gallon garbage bags FULL for less than $10. I figure I can by a piece of clothing with 4-8 buttons on it for a mere 20c. Of course it's not just clothing, it's anything. It's one of the highlights of my week.

Okay, I think I just revealed how dull my life really is.


Michelle said...

Great idea! I will make some too. I have a big jar of buttons that were my Grandma's stash and now are mine. (Yes, stashing runs in the family apparently lol)

I like thrifting! My Mom got me two big boxes of material from a yard sale this past weekend so now I can practice using the sewing machine. :)

If I can find time between the studying and giftmaking! (My niece and and Armando's sis all have Bdays this month.)

PS Those MT links you gave me before are REALLY coming in handy now. I am making an excel file with notes as I go & I plan to let Instant Text search my file & make a glossary. Sorry for my huge commentary.

Big Hug,

jockamo said...

my life is even duller, because i'm pretty excited about making one of those.
