Saturday, August 30, 2008


I hit a snag the past couple weeks. Some good news, some not so good.

The not so good:
My toshiba tank crashed - only because of a stupidStupidSTUPID reaction on my part.
I pulled the power and removed the battery because it seemed to be 'hanging' during a restore after installing xp sp3.
The tank was out of commission for a spell.

The good:
I picked up a new account

The not so good:
With the crash, I lost the photo of JockFullofNuts' dick

The good:
The new account has bunches of work, I don't work Mondays, and I'm educating myself -- gastro -- yeah, burping, belching and pooping. oh well.

The not so good:
It doesn't pay worth a shit.

The good:
The tank is back ... sans XP SP3 and I don't believe I will ever try 'upgrading' to it again. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

and now, on to the strange title:
I have a real hard time reading forwarded mail, regardless of who it comes from. Luckily,most of the people that know me well, know that I open very little of it, so I get very little of it.

However, this is so damn funny -- well as funny as statutory rape can be:


Anonymous said...

oh, that is ONE hard-up (no pun intended...well, maybe) moose or elk or whatever. He must be married and thinks laying there like a statue is the way it always is. :P

ColleenQ said...

You know JockFullofNuts probably had a body double for the shot, right?? He's so modest...

jockamo said...

uh...i don't recall putting up a photo of the ol' bone. was i indulging in a wee bit of of the bubbly? maybe it was my evil twin jockfullojesus who did it.

colleen: modest? hahahahaha. i almost choked on that one...not in a good way.