Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Oklahoma! not the musical

I was in OK over the weekend. The OK! cousins and their friends needed some more people to win money from - and that is where the malemate and I came in.

Pecan trees are indigenous to OK and since the OK! cousins live on an acreage, there is much access to pecans. One afternoon I took the ATV and went out and picked up a bucket full. They were not that big this year, so getting a quart of meats will take awhile.

Whilst in OK, we took a drive around a 'hood' in Shawnee. It had mostly all brick homes. I'm thinking I will be readying this house for sale before the end of the year and yet another move will be occurring ... to OK ... to the mouth of tornado ally.

And speaking of blowjobs - doesn't that suck that the damn conservative masquerader McCain got the majority of the republican vote in the primary?
He better be careful with his arrogance regarding the republican vote.


ColleenQ said...

I'm thinking he'll probably get some of the Democrat vote, actually...we're royally screwed with either of our choices! :)

Anonymous said...

Gasp - You said blow job and McCain in the same line. For some reason that gives me strange mental imagery. Your twisted B. LOL

Have a great weekend!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy VD

I am pleased to hear you are thinking of moving. I know you have not been happy there.

I have not had a fag/cigarette since February 12th. This is the first tiem in 30 years that I have gone a day without smoking. I am taking Chantix and I am doing very well. so far

Anonymous said...

I dont know if I've ever told you that I love post Secret. Thanks for turning me onto it.

jockamo said...

one of my fondest memories of OK, is picking up pecans by the bushel, or whatever size it was that I was able to tote behind the older kids.

i've always wanted to move back to my homestate. the family still owns the property my mother grew up on. no house left, but a brick home nestled among the greenery makes me wistful.

hope you get your brick home and that it's the last move you'll have to make. actually, I'm envious.

feeling very nostalgic today, so before I revert back to the bastard I am, let me tell you how much I care a

jockamo said...

uh, sorry. i'm a lousy friend, bren, but...well, let's just let it go at that.