Tuesday, September 4, 2007

paint me a rainbow

Today will be a good day. I hired a painter to come in to paint the peak ceiling in the living room. It's going to be the luscious color of ceiling white. Yeh, sounds boring, but since white is my favorite color, it will be a welcome change. I'm hoping that painting away the blue will paint away my blue attitude toward this house. Sometimes that is all it takes to spur me into decorating. I can only hope that is true this time -- and if not, at least it will brighten up the living room ... somewhat.

The 3 day weekend took me gambling two times. Both times I lost my ass. I figure I am down $300 now. Sure hate that. The good news, en route to gambling, I got me a new pair of bowling shoes -- and they are gaudy! Shiny white with purple stripes -- they will go perfect with my neon ball and socks.

The new work is interesting but the billing is a fucking nightmare and for that reason alone, I'm not sure I'll last after the 6 month commitment. I'm hoping I can move over to a single account rather than three accounts. The owner was on vacation this past week so I had very little work, which pissed me off. But, I am at her mercy. I really think there is something strange or maybe the word is 'shaky' going on with this new company. I can't put my finger on it, but I'm leaning towards perhaps she is going to be taken over by a national in the near future. I just hope it doesn't happen until after the first of the year, as then I will have the 2 years experience that many of the companies require.

I spent some of the time this weekend watching a few vlogs. Those are strange and most not so interesting, alot like these blogs. But then, it was something, non-productive, to do while I nursed my scotchies.

I have nothing funny, catchy, informative, or interesting so I'm outta here for now.

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