thanks hank
i have not played golf since 1998? 1999? i sucked at the game, but i lovedLovedLOVED to hate it.
the reason i had to quit? because i developed an allergy to something on the fairway that broke the blood vessels in my lower legs. unfortunately, it ended up completely staining my lower limbs and what once were nice looking legs and ankles, now look like a botched tatoo job.
however, i do listen to rush limbaugh on the weekdays and he announced that he was going to be hank haney's next project.
i had to dvr this. why? because i wanted to see rush's before and after swing.
i have to say, my swing looked alot better than rush's did on the first episode. but, it was clear that by the second episode, he had learned much, even though it did not come across that he felt he had.
anyway, when i played, i would use the putter when i was on the outside of the green. the malemate and others i played with used to tell me to chip it in. but, the putter was my club of choice. i think i embarrassed the malemate by doing this.
as i watched the second episode of the haney project, hank told rush to use the putter to bring it onto the green.
i about jumped out of the chair whooping and yelling yesYesYES!
thanks hank! that felt soSoSO good!
i feel vindicated.