Wednesday, November 18, 2009

another paint in the wall

so i took on my 'focal wall' in the living room once again. if you recall, i originally did a bellagio finish on it. it's been 3 years now and with the new furniture, i was ready for a change. unfortunately, after 7 different coats of paint in 3 days, it really does not look that much different from where i started.
it was so much more pr'E in my head. i guess i'll live with this for a year - maybe longer.

before (the faux bellagio):

here i thought i was done - then after 24 hours realized i hated it:

final result (for now anyway):

and of course, i had to, once again, strip the dresser so it would quasi-match the rest of the new furniture.

on to other things.
this has probably been seen by everyone but me ... until recently - but just the same, it's funny stuff:
the text associated said,

"this guy thought he had the world's best tattoo until he went to prison!"

i guess it is actually body paint and not a tattoo - but funny just the same.

1 comment:

jnuts said...

my god, you've been busy. i'm feeling tired just hearing about your ordeal.

please tell me where you're getting your energy...and how much it costs.