Tuesday, April 15, 2008

beware! the pope is here

As we watched the news of the pope's arrival to the U.S.A., the announcer stated that his age was either 81 or 82.

The malemate asks: Why is it that they always put such an old man in that position?

I could only respond with the obvious: Because at that age they probably think they are too old to be able to diddle the little boys anymore.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


When my Dad retired, he had every intention of the two of them doing a lot of traveling around the country.

In 1996, along with another couple, they made a leisurely trip from Iowa to Utah to California and then back home. For reasons unbeknownst to me, Mom was not so much into making anymore trips.

Today Dad called and after a short conversation he says, "Would you like to go to Alaska?"

Now, had he asked me about any other place, I would have had to think about it, but Alaska?

I don't think he even had the third sylable out when I responded with a yesYesYES!

He told me to make the arrangements and he and I would make a trip up there this summer. I don't think I have been on a vacation with my Dad since I was 12. This should be a hoot. I can't wait to tell cousin Peggy!