Tuesday, August 7, 2007

heating up

The heat is on here in the Ozarks so the outdoor activities have pretty much stopped. However, this weekend the malemate and I will volunteer at the first Salvation Army Ride for Hunger.

I don't ride.
Sux being ascaredycat when it comes to motorcycles -- cuz the bikers do have the best costumes.

I will be at the terminating point selling raffle tickets.
Initial thought = B_O_R_I_N_G
and you would be right.
But, the second part of my assignment, is to find a man for the gal that orchestrated this function.
hmmmm not so boring.

Sadly, I won't be putting Harley steel between my legs, but I will gladly paint my toes with their orange.

A splurge for me cuz painted toes is something I do maybe once a year.

Yes, wench, I have those freakish long second toes. So, do ya wonder if those were my toes you took a pic of and shamed to the whole wide world? ;^)

another li'l splurge ... I bought myself a new hat for the occasion.
I'm ready.


Wiz's Wench said...

they were NOT yer toes...them toes was all much longer and freakisher. I LOVE the color.

And the hat...I'm a big proponent of hats. And hat hair really aint' that much worse than the usual in my case.

Hmmmmm..finding mr right...let me know how that works...if it does, i'll forward my bio for ya, yentl!

Anonymous said...

If you're hinting that you can now type with your toes.... I'm impressed.

Michelle said...

Love the nailcolor and the hat. :) Hasn't it been hooooooooot lately? It has been around 103 degrees here this week. Too hot.

Have a good rest of the weekend!


ColleenQ said...

Love the hat - I do believe my 2nd toes are significantly longer. I can dial rotary phones.. ;)