Monday, April 26, 2010

what am i missing here?

twice in the past month i have heard this justin bieber sing on two different shows.
prior to this i had never heard of him and have done no research on the kid.

i have to wonder who this kid is related to, or who he is bonking.

i do not profess to be an expert by any means, but c'mon - surely i am not the only one that realizes that this kid cannot carry a tune?


jnuts said...

since when does carrying a tune have to be a prerequisite for stardom?


i have no idea who he is. i've heard the name but don't care enough to even care enough...if you know what i mean.

Terri G said...

I had to ask my kids. That was a sad day - I used to be the music expert in the house. *sigh* They don't know why he is popular either, but the littlest one wants to wear his hair the same as Justin. :)