Friday, November 20, 2009

now ain't that the shitz - or maybe not

i can't remember if i took my daily dose of miralax today. this creates a bit of a problem. ya see, if i did take it and then take another dose, i may not leave the bathroom all day tomorrow - and if i don't take it and did not take it earlier, well then i won't be needing the bathroom for a week.
i'm going to have start doing daily dispenses in weekly containers, just like i do with the other pills.
getting old sux, doncha think?


Anonymous said...

yeah, you know yer an old geezer when the two highlights of yer morning are the weather forecast and a poop. I'm on that side of the hill myself.

I LOVE the wall...I'm gonna try a bellagio on a small wall in our kitchen. When I get brave.

I like that 'tattoo' below, too.

the mouse

jnuts said...

getting old sucks like an old Hoover...and I don't mean J. Edgar.