Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the terminally ill nation

i think i'm going to be physically sick over what this lackey of a president and his congress did to this nation with their 'health care reform' bill. this country is in debt beyond their ears to china and then they drag us down even further? AND to top it off, not ONE of the congress pimples will ever feel the effects of shitty health care - because they are exempt from this monstrosity. that's right - it's good 'nuf for us peons - but not good 'nuf for them and their families. clearly they are not there to represent us - just their own fuckin egos. elitist bastards.

health care is not a right.
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are rights.

c'mon november, we will remember.
i say flip 'em all -- if it says incumbent on the ballot - vote for anyone but them.

greedyGreedGREEDY selfish bastards


Alyssa Ast said...

I think health care reform is something we needed some day. Is it something they should have done now? Absolutly not.

CausedByKarma said...

alyssa: no one questions needing reform - but why didn't they go after the tort reform in the bill? because many of the assholes in congress are attorneys - not to mention the millions of $$$ that support their campaigns that come from the legal profession. come 2014 we will see the death of the health insurance industry and in comes the single payer plan along with the government takeover of 1/6th of the economy - there is nothing right about that. the whining was 127 ppl die a day that don't have health insurance -- well, how many die a day WITH health insurance? 100s? 1000s? i just can't believe that ppl believed this crap that this president and his congress said. this president is a blatant liar and i can only hope that he rots in hell for it.

jnuts said...

but tell me how you REALLY feel.

i agree with your assessment of the situation.


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